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THE WEST YELLOWSTONE FOUNDATION MISSION To strengthen the sense of community and enhance the economic vitality in the West Yellowstone/Hebgen Lake Basin. The nonprofit Foundation provides for charitable and philanthropic needs through permanent endowments, gifts, bequests and grants. The Foundation raises and administers tax deductible, donated charitable resources from individuals and organizations while meeting the donor’s wishes.


GRANT FOCUS AREAS: Arts and Culture, Basic Human Needs, Education, Economic Vitality, Natural Resources, Conservation, Historic Preservation.


GRANT PRIORITIES: The Foundation prefers to make grants to organizations that are responsive to the changing needs of the community. Innovative solutions and preventive actions are welcomed. Partnerships and collaborations are highly encouraged. Other support, such as partial funding, volunteers, and in-kind gifts that demonstrate community involvement are considered. Projects that impact the largest number of individuals possible with a modest investment of funds are preferred. Program development and capacity building activities are eligible. Lower priority is given to general operating expenses, capital or equipment requests and ongoing program support.


ELEGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: To be eligible for a grant, an organization must be located in or provide service to residents within the greater West Yellowstone/Hebgen Lake Basin areas.


FUNDING AMOUNTS:  Typically, we have about $3000 to grant each quarter.  If your request is more than that, please call 406-646-1152 to discuss your project.  We have funded larger projects in the past, but they have been outside of our normal grant cycle.


RESTRICTIONS: The West Yellowstone Foundation does not award grants for the following: Religious organizations for direct religious activities, debt retirement, individuals (except through the scholarship program), political organizations or campaigns, telephone solicitations, and organizations that have a substantial part of their purpose, the influencing of legislation.


2023 DEADLINES: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st & October 1st


FOLLOW-UP REQUIREMENT: Within 30 days of the completion of grantee’s project the WYF Follow-up/project evaluation form that can be found online must be completed and turned in. If WYF does not receive these forms, the group becomes ineligible to apply for future funding. If there are any unused funds remaining at the completion of the project, they must be returned to the Foundation. The West Yellowstone Foundation encourages clear and concise grant proposals that adhere to the Grant Application guidelines.


Please contact the WYF office at (406) 646-1152 for more information. 

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